Students throughout the county will begin to participate in end-of-year state asssessments beginning May 1, 2024. Students in grades three through eight will participate in the South Carolina College and Career Ready Assessment (SCREADY) in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics. Additionally, students in grades four and six participate in the Science SCREADY assessment.
Colleton County High School students enrolled in a gateway course that awards units of credit in English/language arts, mathematics, science and social studies will be participating in South Carolina's End-of-Course Examination program (EOCEP).
Parent resources for these assessments can be found by clicking here. The resources available on this page include brochures, sample items, sample score reports, Score Report User's Guide, and translations.
Parents will need to refer to their child's schedule to determine which day he/she will be participating in one of these exams. Please be reminded state law prohibits students from having any electronic devices in their possession during state testing. This includes cell phones, smart watches, FitBits, or eye glasses with imaging or Bluetooth capabilities. Students will be asked to turn any device off, label with a sticky note provided by the teacher , and place the device into a plastic tub kept at the front of the classroom. Students not adhering to these procedures will be subject to disciplinary action at the school level that includes suspension and/or not receiving a test score. The SCDE could pursue a referral to law enforcement for investigation. Parents are asked to avoid scheduling doctor's appointments on the scheduled testing days. Additionally, we ask that students arrive to school on time.